Strategic Decisions Group (SDG)

Brad Allison is proud to have a relationship with SDG as a principal consultant. SDG specializes in helping companies discover and apply innovative ways to assess risk and uncertainty in order to make the best possible investment decisions. SDG’s approach is applied across virtually all industries and organization types. From Fortune 100 corporations, to major nonprofits, to government entities around the globe, these organizations have leveraged SDG’s methodologies to maximize and sustain value, stay competitive, and execute timely decisions in the face of pervasive uncertainty.


Working with key decision-makers—boards of directors, business unit heads, senior managers—SDG has helped clients in a wide range of sectors analyze relevant factors, develop alternative strategies, weigh potential outcomes, and build the organizational commitment needed to act.

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“I am not a product of my circumstances, I am a product of my decisions.”

- Stephen R. Covey